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InstaForex Forum Regulations
InstaForex Forum Regulations Guest

InstaForex Forum Regulations

Consenting to communicate at the forum you confirm you are acquainted with the forum regulations and agree with them.

Forum prohibitions

  1. Рosting any material which is knowingly false and/or defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive or, otherwise, violative of any law.
  2. Insulting or threatening against the Forum Administration, the company's representatives and forum participants.
  3. Publishing emotional groundless accusations against other persons or the company.
  4. Forcing ideas or calling for actions emphatically.
  5. Spamming neither forum posts nor Private Messages.
  6. Illegal distribution of copyrighted software, e-books, articles etc.
  7. Posting articles without linking to the original source.
  8. Replying if it is unnecessary; posting senseless or/and incoherence messages.
  9. Posting in incorrect forum, section or thread.
  10. Posting in incorrect language: use the right language in each forum.
  11. Starting topics with similar content, duplicating/multiplying posts.
  12. Abusing of the text markers or/and "Caps Lock".
  13. Signing up under few nicknames.
  14. Publishing a private data (passwords, banking details, documents copies etc.).

Support Section rules

  1. The title of your topic must include a short description of your problem.
  2. Titling topics simply "Help me" or "I need help" is prohibited.
  3. When posting a claim you must specify your account or ticket number with detailed description of your problem.
  4. Emotional descriptions or groundless accusations are not allowed.
  5. Claims with no any sense are worth as flood and not allowed.
  6. Claiming by persons not related to the problematic trading account.

Advertisement at the forum

  1. Sources and software advertised at the forum in "Advertisement Section" or in the signature must comply with the content of the forum and the forum regulations.
  2. Advertising of competing brokerage companies is not allowed.
  3. Unauthorized advertising beyond the framework of the specially designated section is not allowed.
  4. Campaigning, promoting and representing the interests of a company without Forum Administration permission are prohibited.
  5. Advertising of forums is not allowed.
  6. The forum administration has a right to decline publishing a link or hidden advertisement without explaining the reason.
  7. Promoting illegal activities is not allowed.

Warning system

  1. In case forum participant violates Forum Regulations, the Forum Administration has a right to warn the user as well in oral form as by increasing the user's warning level with temporary access limitation.
  2. In case of regular violations of the Forum Regulations by forum participant the Forum Administration has a right to ban the user.
  3. The maximum possible warning is three. After third warning user will be banned.

Some Forum sections have their own rules. These rules are the additional regulations and as valid as the Forum Regulations.

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